Thursday 4 February 2016

Kesha's Legal Battle

So I was chilling out this evening when one of my friends dropped me a random text asking if Kesha won. For those of you out of the loop, pop star Kesha, famous for hits such as 'TiK ToK' and 'Blah Blah Blah (feat. 3OH!3)' has been involved in a legal battle against her label and primary producer, Dr Luke. The conversation went something like this:
  • the trial was moved forward to mid Feb because of the storms in america, none of the jury could get to court
  • BUTTTTT, dr lukes counter lawsuit against Kesha has been denied so HAHAHAHA
  • *Friend's Image*
  • is this a lie
  • OH SHIT no it's real!!
  • whAT
  • At the moment she's supposedly not allowed to record outside of dr Luke's company... but it's progress
  • the final cut from Dr Luke is on the 15th Feb
  • There are two parts to the court case!! The first is the sexual abuse that happened - he date raped her, she would often wake up in unfamiliar hotel rooms after being in the studio
  • The second is breaking from her contract with Universal Music Group, which was legally signed by Dr Luke as well
  • so what has just happened now
  • sorry im so ignorant to this
  • ur my go to
  • He's technically playing her second manager and choosing her life for her. This happened with Britney Spears years ago as well. She was often sedated, and that's why she eventually lost it in 2007. It also explains she she kind of 'lost it' with her performances - she's very robotic now, and it's just uncomfortable to watch... Especially her 2008 Circus Tour
  • Kesha's just won the first part of the case, which means that Luke will most likely be labelled as a Sex Offender now
  • bloody hell
  • good i hope he rots
  • The whole case is being run with Kesha's mum as well. The only reason Kesha is taking legal action is because unlike Britney's family, her mum has seen it first hand. Part of the contracts means she's also not allowed to tweet anything from her PERSONAL ACCOUNT... So Kesha has been tweeting from her mums account and exposing him of all the weird and creepy shit he's been doing to her
  • wtf thats so fucked up
  • Kesha's mum has had access to the studio as she is a primary writer for the majority of Kesha's music. A lot of Kesha's style is deep and artistic, but her vision is BUTCHERED by Luke to be this drunken party girl. Like don't get me wrong, the girl is loopy.... but she's not respected by the general public
  • Anyone who follows pop celebrities and underground leaks will know that her unreleased collection is clearly the best of her discography... it's sad, honestly. She writes AMAZING pop music, but can't share any of it until Universal butcher it so she can become this huge pop star
  • this guy is a proper cunt
  • It's terrifying though, because literally every main pop star right now is signed under THAT label. It's a veeeery powerful label with a lot of money, and knowledge around loopholes. What Kesha is doing is HUGE.
  • good on her though!!!!
  • he's such a fucjung creep
  • *My image*
  • I mean... look at the first few artists when you google them
  • But Dr Luke is respected in the industry because of his accolades. He's created so many big pop songs of the 21st Century, so to get him on your roster is a big thing! I mean... Katy Perry's Teenage Dream album was almost entirely produced by the guy and the album ended up equalling Michael Jackson's record for most number ones on an album
  • Sorry I'm like full on ranting here, but the music industry are so corrupt
  • has he not done anything to any of the other women or men signed???
  • but he's sexually abusive and rAPIST might i add
  • why does that not matter to people?!
  • Can't be too certain! Kesha was signed when she was 16, so was very young and dumb at the time. She basically signed her life away, whereas a lot of these older artists worked their way up and had legal teams cover their contact and most likely negotiated
  • Exactly!! Because Universal have THIS MUCH power, American media are just not documenting it because a respected white business man is being questioned in regards to his personal life
  • The only people who are actually talking about this are people involved with pop culture! Like, I've seen plenty of feminist blogs pop up saying it's disgusting that this isn't a well known topic for the general public. Even if you're not a fan of Kesha's music... this is a woman's LIFE and CAREER being put at risk
  • thats absolutely awful
  • im shocked like
  • how the fuck is nobody mention this
  • its HUGE
  • This could actually alter the charts for a VERY long time!
  • Without Luke's music, we could practically say bye bye to a lot of generic music as well
  • I'm so grateful that we have producers like Stargate, Diplo, Paul Epsworth and Mark Ronson - all white men, but they can respect females in the industry AND create hits after hits
  • (Even though Diplo has been questioned because of a case with M.I.A. but meh...)
  • I LOVE talking about this kind of stuff, I feel so woke
  • tbh more music producers come in all the time with MUCH more talent than this shitty pop stuff
  • why tf have universal not done anything though like they're a huge fucking company and he's not that good
  • Just look at his Production Discography... the amount of hits and number ones he has under his belt is ridiculous https://en.m.wikipedia/wiki/Dr._Luke_production_discography
  • Because the found of Universal is... you guessed it *my image*
  • Jimmy Iovine is a huge name in the music industry, why would he turn Luke away when he is the primary reason he is getting paid?
  • Ok right now they're probably on bad terms because Universal will have to primarily pay for the case
  • horrendous
  • he's done loads of shit
  • AAAAAND... can I just say that Jimmy Iovine also runs beat *Insert 6 of those overly sarcastic upside-down smiley emojis* THINK OF THE MONEY IN HIS POCKET RIGHT NOW
  • Jimmy Iovine's current net worth is $970 million... compared to Kesha's $40 million, that's nothing
  • fucking hell he's minted
  • shit
  • And they still say that illegal downloads have 'ruined' the music industry... HA
  • This is another reason why Lady Gaga is respected. She went through the same sort of thing with her management at Cherrytree Records. She was manipulated and sexually abused when Poker Face became a thing. But because this was MANAGEMENT of a record label which is co-owned by Interscope (owned by none other than Jimmy Iovine), it was heavily swept under the rugs. Gaga compromised her contract and ended up being managed soley by Interscope - which is why her net worth increaed significantly. Gaga is an amazing artist and woman, but again, she's under appreciated by the GP because she "Wears weird clothes and and her songs don't make sense". A lot of this story was told in the Marry the Night video, and I heavily suggest reading some analysis of the video because its fascinating
  • what is she attempting to do (kesha) is she trying to buy out her contract or sue them or what??
  • BOTH why is why this is sOOO big
  • She's getting mild media coverage, so this will work in her favour
  • If she loses - she's lost her career and will never legally be allowed to release music again. If she wins... then holy shit the future is untold
  • and the luke cunt gets away scratch free
  • would he get fired if she wont
  • probs not
  • Oh yeah Luke will hardly be touched, he'll probably get fined a couple mill'
And yes, I did just sit there for another half an hour, re-typing this whole transcript. The story is fucked up, and I can't wait for development.
