Sunday 26 June 2016


Okay, let's start this post off by stating that I am pretty drunk right now. Mixing cider, beer and vodka can never be a good idea; but it's Sunday and I have no plans for the week so it seemed appropriate. The only good it bought was the discussion upon the subject of art. Here's a quick round up on my interpretation of 'art' and my reaction towards the word 'art'.

Art can be interpreted in many different ways, and for this reason, I've realised how similar to words 'art' and 'media' are. Media can be seen through artistic interpretation, reviews, articles - but the majority is the 'reaction' to another form of media. It's a reaction, or an emotion that evokes a piece. Very similar to what is included in an art piece - art is usually created through emotive interpretations or initial reactions to other media mediums.

When we picture the word 'art', we initially see an array of vibrant, bright colours. Now I'm not trying to flaunt my egotistical side, but whenever I think of bright, vibrant colours... I see the rainbow flag. The LGBT+ community just seems to connect with the art world; and I can only link that to the fact that to the undeniable truth to the fact that the LGBT+ community can see the world in a different light.

Music is an art form. It was Isaac Newton who pioneered the 'field of colour' - appropriately noting that there were 7 prominent colours. Strangely enough, there are seven notes in a musical scale. Whether that's a coincidence or not; it's interesting to note the natural patterns of the world. Whether you listen to Rihanna, Led Zepplin or Metallica; you can't deny that music is dependant to an acquired taste. Music can be interpreted in multiple different ways, but the 'best music' is always in tune with this scale of notes. I just can't help but think about the 7 scale/7 colour theme. Maybe 7 is the magic number.

How many art forms are there? Initially we think about fine art, photography, graphics, music etc. But when we begin to think about multi-media forms, we find that there is an endless spectrum (hahah get it, another colour hint) of mediums. Drag is an art form; infusing fine art and personal expression, then presented through photography (most of the time).

But why do we also dismiss art? Why do we see some art forms and dismiss it completely? What is it about individual pieces, or entire mediums, that we just feel then need to dismiss it as a legitimate 'piece'. From this, I impose the question; "Do art and creativity correlate accordingly?" - can we see that something something is creative, or the fact that the creator has a 'creative eye', but still dismiss their particular 'creative piece'.

At this point, I'm not even sure if this makes sense; but my drunken mind is telling me that everything I type is legitimate and worth your reading time. (Aka. If you have read this far, I salute you and thank you.)


Further reading:
'Isaac Newton's Color Spectrum Theory' -
